The Adventure of My Aunt

to undermine - подрывать, расшатывать
to be in vain - быть напрасным, напрасно
to give a wink - подмигнуть
to arm - вооружаться
in order to - (для того) чтобы
to cure - исцелять, вылечить
used to do smth - иметь привычку что-то делать в прошлом (раньше / было время делал)
to be / get used to doing smth - привыкнуть что-то делать
to be / get frightened of smth - испугаться чего-то

What would you do if you were the aunt and saw how one of the eyes of the portrait move? Would you get frightened or not? Why?

23 комментария:

  1. If I were in the place of my aunt and saw how one eye moves, then I would not pay attention to it and look what happened to him next. Soon I would leave the room to call my servants, because I would just be very interested in who and why could follow me. I wouldn’t be scared, because I’m not a girl from those children who are afraid of everything.

  2. - [ ] If I were in the place of this women and saw how one eye moves, I would be scared and called my servants to check who is it. Than I would call the police and talked about what happened. I think I would be scared because I am a little bit paranoid.Liza Tsimashkova)

  3. If I were in the place of my aunt and saw how one eye moves,i'd start screaming. I'd start throwing things in there, call people for help. Ok, i was kidding you, I'd have thought I was imagining it and just walk away.

  4. If I were in the place of my aunt and saw how one eye moves i would not be scared of it. I wood to speak with this brave and stupid person because only stupid man can get into the house of a fearless lady.
    Pasha Pochkailo

  5. Of course I could say that I will be as brave as aunt but let's be honest...Yes,I will get very frightened.Then I think I would try to keep calm and then when my fear won, I would run away to my servants and call the police.
    Luzshinskaya Ann

  6. If I were the aunt and saw it, first I would get really frightened. May be after a few minutes I would understand that it isn't a film - it is the reality and I should act. First I would quickly and quietly leave the room and lock it. Then I would call other people in the house and the police. The police would examine the room.
    Milana Burak

  7. If I were an aunt and saw one of the portrait's eyes move, I'd be scared at first, because it's unusual for me. As an aunt, I thought there was something supernatural about this house, but I couldn't calm down and I probably would have screamed.The servants would have heard my cry and come running to my room. Then I would do what the woman did, because I think it's the best option. Klimovich Daria

  8. if i were the aunt , i would be really scared. After i would take it and
    get rid of it. i will find a new picture . i would tell about it all my relatives and friends. i would write about it in newspaper. also i like mistory things bot in films only
    masha bondareva

  9. Of course, I would be scared, because I live alone, and the only thing I have is the memory of my loved husband, who died. And the moment when the eye begins to move on the portrait is like a moment from the horror of Steven King, but this is the story of O. Henry so you could be sure that this is some kind of secret, the end of which will surprise everyone as happened in this story.
    George Voskresenskiy 8A.

  10. If l were the aunt, I would be very scared. Because I didnt know who it was. Maybe it was psycho or killer, I wouldn know.I also went to call servants and together we could pull down the picture.
    I would call the police and maybe dry him with a wooden 'towel'.
    Angelina Martianova

  11. I think, if I were the aunt and saw how one of the eyes move, I wouldn't pay attention. Also maybe I would think what happened with my mind. Also if I noticed it again, I would call people for help. By the way there's also one choice to burn the house and never come back)))
    Artem Sodel

  12. I think I was scared, especially if there was nobody at home. And if someone was at home, I would have thought that it was someone who wanted to play me.I would ask who it is. And if it were someone else's voice, I would call the police.Dima Bobrovsky

  13. I think, if i saw how the one of the eyes moved i will frightened a lot.
    I`ll started to check my glases and comprosed myself. Also i'll checked all locks at home. Yes, i'm i'm paranoiac.

    Kotliarov Evgenij

  14. If i were the aunt and saw how one of the eyes of the portrait move, i would frightened. Then i will look at this picture. Finally i will run away with screams.

  15. If I were in the place of my aunt and saw how one eye moves,i will think that it can't be reality... And then i will call the police.
    Mironoa Ksenia

  16. If I were in the place of my aunt and saw how one eye moves. I will think I am so tired that can see hallucinations. And then I will to the bed.
    Andrew Shnitko

  17. If I was an aunt I'll run away from this house just in t-shirt and never go back. I'll move to another country, buy a new house and never went from this house. Lashuk Kirill

  18. Of course I would be scared. I don't know was it paranormal activity or some kind of killer hiding behind the portrait. I think I would do the same thing that Aunt did, because I have opportunity to call servants and they will help me. But I think I wouldn't have thought of overturning box with jewels to pick them up and move to the door. Saveli Gavrin.

  19. I would try to keep my eye on portrait for some the time to make sure i am not being delusional. I wouldn't get frightened cause you should keep your mind clear in this kind of situation. There is no need to let your feelings prevail over you.

  20. It really depends on time. If it was for example the daytime or early evening or morning I'ld be only a little bit surprised, but not frightened, took a camera and try to take a video of that strange and suspicious event. But if it was dark... Of course I would jump out of my skin and beat the picture to hell!
    Filipovich Maria

  21. I think aunt was really brave. I think I would get frightened. I think in this situation I would called to police. Because it could be killer
